- 2000
- New York
- 2004
- My House
- Lukáš's party
- House Inspection
- 2005
- My House Party
- 2006
- Christmas party by Gábina Páralová
- Conference IWAncDLC held in Kolkata (Calcutta)
- Conference DIAMOND 2006 held in Estoril (Lisbon)
- 2007
- Conference ICSE 4 held in Stockholm
- My House Party
- 2008
- Visit of Riverside and New York
- 40th birthday of Pavel Kašpar
- Conference ICOOPMA08 held in Edmonton
- Holyday in Beskydy
- 2010
- Visit of Riverside and New York
- My 40th birthday
- My House
- Facka theatre performance at Brno dam
- Antonio Zapien visit
- Conference ICSE 5 held in Albany
- 2011
- Winter holiday
- My House
- Grandfather 80 birthday party
- Berlin aquarium
- 2012
- Conference E-MRS 2012 fall meeting in Warsaw
- Wedding of Petr and Jitka Krajiček
- Visit of San Francisco
- Visit of aunties Jana and Božena - at evening visit of Jáně and Bureš family
- My House
- Visit of Genoa
- Carousels in Brno
- Boris 1st birthday
- 2013
- Visit of zoo
- My House
- Conference ICSE 6 held in Kyoto
- Anna
- Before delivery and after
- Year 1
- Year 0
- Elementary school (Botanická)
- Annual photos
- Meeting 2010
- Meeting 2004
- Meeting 2003
- Marriage
- Thanks for gifts
- Martina Burešová photos
- Martin Pálka photos
- Our pets
- Topesta
- Onyx
- Marcus
- Magie
- Lucius
- Fargo
- Daphne
- 2011
- 2010
- Triple
- Before delivery and after